I had played it over in my mind a hundred times. What would Sunday night, August 26th look like? What would it feel like? How would it go? I had an idea of how it would go. I certainly had prayed very specific prayers for how it would go. But seriously, how often do things go exactly as you envision them? And how often do they go even better than you envision them? That was our experience last night.
Redeemer Church was officially commissioned and launched into the Oxford community for Gospel ministry. Four distinct groups of people attended – the Redeemer team, members from Anniston Bible Church, members from Grace Fellowship, and visitors from the area. Over 230 gathered for the launching of this new church. The Spirit of the Lord was with us. We enjoyed a significant measure of unity, joy, celebration, and excitement for the Gospel.
For those who weren’t able to come, I’d like to give a summary of the service. In the Call to Worship the Redeemer music team led us in “Sing to the King.” I came up and welcomed everyone, prayed, and preached the message “A Vision for Greatness” from Mark 10:35-45. After the message we responded to God’s Word by singing three songs – “Revelation Song,” “Blessed Redeemer,” and “In Christ Alone.”
Carlton Weathers, pastor of Grace Fellowship, then gave a charge on the purpose and necessity of church membership. He called everyone from the Redeemer team to come forward and sign the Church Membership Commitment Document. The team stood in front of the stage while Bob St. John (pastor of Anniston Bible Church) commissioned us to the mission of the Gospel. He emphasized how important it was to elevate Jesus Christ in our ministry to one another and to the community. The elders from Grace & ABC then came forward, put their hands on the Redeemer team, and prayed for God’s blessing on us.
Everyone in the congregation then stood, held hands, and sang the Doxology. We then enjoyed a time of sweet fellowship. There are now twenty-five adults (plus kids) who are official members of Redeemer Church and commissioned for Gospel ministry. Glory to God! Because of the obvious excitement in building, because of the Spirit of unity among us, because of the significance of the moment, because of the number of people who attended, and because of the glorious Gospel that we meditated on through word and song last night was just as I imagined, except better.
by Ryan Limbaugh
Very Exciting Ryan!!! Awesome stuff.