Acts 2:42 states that the early church devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers. As long as Redeemer has been meeting, every Sunday after the service we have enjoyed a meal together at our facility. That time together has become very special. We have grown to know and love each other more through that relaxed time of fellowship. And oh by the way ladies, you are doing an excellent job preparing a refreshing, enjoyable lunch each Lord’s Day. Leslie Haynes and her team work so hard behind the counter, making sure that every detail is covered. You go girls! So last week, Anniston Bible Church made the long trek (chuckle) down to Redeemer for a joint fellowship meal. They brought about 100 people. We had a pretty cool time together. I know that Redeemer was blessed to spend time with the saints at ABC. Today, Grace Fellowship will drive down from Fort McClellan to break bread with us. We pray for sweet and Christ-exalting communication and mutual edification. To God be the glory today through the worship service and fellowship meal!
by Ryan Limbaugh