Redeemer Church gathered for worship services every Sunday in June. It was our first month together. Frankly, we had a great time! The team rolled up their sleeves and worked hard to get the facility ready for worship. Then we were able to enjoy the blessing of becoming one body. It is obvious that there is a significant level of zeal in our church for being together and reaching others together.
This summer I am preaching through the purpose and pillars of our ministry: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Mission. For our first service we examined Ephesians 1:22-23 and studied “The Purpose of Redeemer Church.” On the second Sunday I preached “Worship” (part 1) from Psalm 29. Next I preached “Worship” (part 2) from John 4:1-26. And finally we studied “Fellowship” (part 1) from Psalm 133. You can listen to those messages on our SERMONS page.
God has been so faithful to provide what we have needed along the way. Though we don’t have every single need met at this point, it has been thrilling to see how resources have been provided through Christians all over the area. We have benches, chairs, tables (though we need more!), stage, pulpit, musical equipment, sound equipment (though we need more!), printer/copier, kids’ toys, educational resources, baby cribs, etc… We rejoice in God’s good provision and anticipate His continued faithfulness to us in the days ahead.
by Ryan Limbaugh