Recently I studied First Corinthians chapter thirteen (“The Love Chapter”). The Lord reminded me of some very important principles of Christian fellowship as I walked through that passage verse by verse. But the dominant principle proceeding from the text was this: LOL. That’s right! God told me to LOL. That is, LOVE-Out-Loud. In the church we…
Helpful Christian Resources Online
One of the most obvious observations in our digital-technology age is that there is great spiritual danger lurking around every corner. A Christian can easily, even innocently stumble onto a website or chat-room or Facebook page that ultimately leads to a destination called “Sin.” It happens every day, thousands of times. For this reason, every…
Iron on Iron
Every Christian needs spiritual encouragement. As a matter of fact I agree with Tim Keller, who has said, “There is no way you will be able to grow spiritually apart from a deep involvement in a community of other believers.” Community is central to the spiritual encouragement of every Christian. Well, Christian pastors are not…
Day Off
Do you ever wonder what a pastor does on his day off? Yeah, I didn’t think so. It’s not something you’d think much about unless the matter was brought to your attention. Well, my day off was yesterday. And I’d like to tell you about it, not because it was extraordinary, but because it was…
The Rest of the Sermon
I grew up listening to Paul Harvey on the radio. He was famous for informing the public on very interesting facts that we otherwise would not know. And after he gave us the punch-line of the story he would always say, “Now you know the rest of the story.” Well, Sunday night I preached a…
Just as I envisioned, except better
I had played it over in my mind a hundred times. What would Sunday night, August 26th look like? What would it feel like? How would it go? I had an idea of how it would go. I certainly had prayed very specific prayers for how it would go. But seriously, how often do things…
I am pretty sure that the phrase “summer camp” is not found anywhere in the Bible. Wait a minute. Let me check in my electronic Bible (pause)… Nope, just as I suspected: there is no mention of summer camp anywhere in the Scriptures. However, I believe that the Christian summer camp experience is one of…
Breaking Bread with Friends
Acts 2:42 states that the early church devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers. As long as Redeemer has been meeting, every Sunday after the service we have enjoyed a meal together at our facility. That time together has become very special. We have grown to know and…
Pillar #4: Mission
Redeemer Church exists to pursue the glory of God and the joy of all people through worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission. I have actually been thinking about that purpose statement so regularly for so long now that it just rolls right off my fingers as I type, which I think is a very good thing.…
Yippee! Yard Sale
Tomorrow morning we will host a yard sale for the community. From 7am to 1pm the members of Redeemer Church, along with our trusted yard-sale guru Wanda Sprayberry, will seek to meet and serve guests who come to our facility to shop, browse, or kill time. We will offer free doughnuts, coffee, water, live music,…