This is the fourth and final post on how worship is our primary pillar. It fuels our fellowship, our discipleship, and our mission. Worship is our giving of glory to God in response to seeing the glory of God. How then, can we glorify God through mission in response to beholding God’s glory? MISSIONS EXISTS…
Worshiping Through Discipleship
This is the third of four posts on how worship is our primary pillar and all our other pillars flow from and feed into worship. We’ve been working with this definition of worship: “Worship is our giving of glory to God in response to seeing the glory of God.” Discipleship is one of the main ways…
Worshiping through Fellowship
In the first post of this series, we looked at the priority of worship as Redeemer’s primary pillar. Worship encompasses everything we do, and that includes our fellowship. Worship is our giving of glory to God in response to seeing the glory of God. Fellowship is our commitment to partner with one another in Gospel…
Worship: Our Primary Pillar
“Redeemer Church exists to pursue the glory of God and the joy of all people through worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission.” This is our church mission statement. As a church, our desire is that God would be glorified by people finding their joy in Him. We believe that true joy is found in God, and as…
Without a good foundation, a home is destined to collapse. Similarly, the Christian life must be built on solid, biblical, Christ-exalting foundations. This summer at Redeemer Church we are leading a sermon series entitled “Foundations.” Our aim is to provide every believer with a rock-solid foundation upon which to stand and to live out the…
Worship Leaders – What You Wear Is Important
As a pastor I am not only the primary worship leader of our congregation, but I am also the lead worshiper. Sure, I set the spiritual direction for our services, plan the details, and preach the sermon. But I also engage in worship during the service just like every one else. I sing, I listen,…
What Kind of Church Do You Attend? (part 3)
Alright, in this series we have looked at the Biblically-Deprived church and the Biblically-Influenced church. Today we will seek to understand what a Biblically-Driven church is. Putting all my cards on the table I must tell you that I want Redeemer Church to squarely fit into this third category. I want us to be driven…
What Kind of Church Do You Attend? (part 2)
If you didn’t read yesterday’s post, I encourage you to do so before you read this one. It will make this post make more sense. The first kind of church we examined was the Biblically-Deprived church. Today we will survey the Biblically-Influenced church. From personal experience and years of observation, it seems to me that…
What Kind of Church Do You Attend? (part 1)
What role should the Bible have in the life of a local church? How prominent should the Scriptures be in services, classes, small groups, and various ministries the church leads throughout the week? My friend Bradley Pinkerton (pastoral intern at Anniston Bible Church) and I had a discussion about this not too long ago. As…
A small group of young adults at Redeemer Church is seeking to intensify our Gospel ministry. These believers range in age from 16 to 30. Though they are in different stages of their educational and professional life (pre-college, college, post-college), they have the same purpose for their spiritual life: “to pursue the glory of God…