Acts 1:12-26
We read the story of Matthias being chosen to replace Judas in Acts 1: 12-26. As the disciples wait for the Spirit, they were devoting themselves to prayer, speaking to God by faith and asking Him for help. At the same time, they were also searching the Scriptures. When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, He showed them how all the Scriptures were about Him. Now, as Peter reads through the Psalms, he sees references to Judas and recognizes that a twelfth witness to Jesus is needed. So the believers come together, seek wisdom from God through prayer, and it is decided that Matthias should replace Judas by the casting of lots.
Just as God provided the guidance the apostles needed to advance His Kingdom then, so God still provides the guidance we need to advance His Kingdom today. If we are going to receive direction from God into the mission of God, then we must be committed to seeking the promises of God in corporate prayer. We are also guided into the mission of God by our careful exposition of and our diligent attention to the scriptures as they are revealed to us in Jesus Christ. As we pray, as we hear from God through His Word, we must also submit to the Spirit of Christ as He fills us with wisdom. As we do these things, we will experience the great joy of advancing the Kingdom of God together.